The student and their needs are central topics of education. Because of this, student-centred learning is important. The student should be able to learn in a way that matches their needs. Furthermore, the way in which evaluation takes place also should match the needs of the student. Students are guided and supported in finding the most suitable learning methods.
Student-centred learning aids in the process of taking one’s own responsibility since it stimulates students to shape and compose their own education. This allows them to learn what their own responsibility entails and what the associated consequences are. This means that the ideal education does not include required curricular pathways, but instead that students are able to compose their own curricular pathway.
Student-centred learning stimulates students to think creatively, since it allows for endless possibilities regarding the content of the education programme that the student follows. This type of education encourages thinking outside of the box and beyond the stereotype expectations and encourages the student to avoid choosing familiar pathways. This flexibility causes frameworks to be considered as mere indications and not as dogmas.
It is evident that student-centred learning is necessary for reaching the full potential of self-development. Only when the student is able to fully shape their education programme according to their needs, optimal self-development can take place. The student knows best which needs and interest they aspire to develop.
In daily practice, student-centred learning is the implementation of flexible education programmes that match the needs of the individual student. Education programmes are flexible provided that they offer room for choice of one’s own curricular pathway, but also offer the opportunity to take courses and make exams at multiple moments in time. It is important for students to have a flexible education schedule, so that they are able to adequately develop aspects outside of their studies. Besides that, flexible education offers the opportunity to study on top of other responsibilities, such as employment or raising kids.
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