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Cookies & Tracking
Student helpline

Housing Hotline
Sign-up form Events
Training application and invoice
Checking, adapting or removal of personal data
Security measures

Where do we gather personal data?

The Dutch student union (LSVb) works with personal data because you make use of our services or if you supply that information yourself (e.g. via phone calls). Below is an overview of the personal data we use per location:

Our website & Cookies

The Dutch student union uses funcional, analytic and tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text-file that is saved upon the first time you visit a website in the browser of your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The Dutch student union uses cookies for pure technical functionalities, during your first visit to the website we have asked your permission to do so. We need these cookies in order to make our website function properly.

What data are we using here?

The LSVb is tracking which pages on the website you visit, where you click on these pages, what you type in, what your ip-address is, which internet browser you are using, and which apparatus.

What is the goal of the data use?

This data can be used to make our website function properly. It can automatically save your preferences and helps us to see which content is relevant and which content can be deleted. The data also provides information for us to improve our website to the preferences of our users. We call upon GDPR ground for processing a) for which pages you visit, where you click, and what you’ve typed in:

  • Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

We also call upon GDPR ground for processing b) for what device you are using and your ip-address.

  • Processing is permitted if it is necessary for the entry into, or performance of, a contract with the data subject or in order to take steps at his or her request prior to the entry into a contract.

How long do we keep this data?

  • The pages you visit are kept up until one year after your visit. Still, this data cannot be traced back to you as a person. After 14 months this data is automatically removed.
  • On which pages you click is kept up until one year after your visit. Still, this data cannot be traced back to you as a person. After 14 months this data is automatically removed.
  • What you type on our pages is kept up until one year after your visit. After 14 months this data is automatically removed.
  • Your ip-address will be removed automatically after you leave the website.
  • What internet browser you are using and which device you are using will be kept up until one year after your visit. After this the data will be automatically removed.

Do you want us to stop gathering your data or would you like to know what data we have of you? Click here for more information.

Cookies by third parties

This website uses cookies by third parties. At the moment these parties are Twitter, Linked-In, Facebook and Google. We are attempting to remove as much of the tracking as we can without it hurting the functionality of the website. We hope you understand. Do you want to prevent your data from getting to these third parties? Click here for more information. We are calling upon GDPR ground for processing a):

  • Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

Student helpline

What data do we use here? 

We only use the data you personally provide us. Your e-mailaddress or phone number will be saved in order to reply to your questions. After your questions have been answered and we cannot provide anymore help your e-mail and/or phone number will be deleted from our systems. Upon establishing contact we will ask you to provide us with certain information like the your educational institution and what educational programme you attend. This information is purely used in order to provide our advisers with the necessary means to answer your questions.

What is the goal of the processing? 

The goal of the processing is to anwer your questions. We are calling upon GDPR ground for processing b):

  • Processing is permitted if it is necessary for the entry into, or performance of, a contract with the data subject or in order to take steps at his or her request prior to the entry into a contract.

How long do we keep this data? 

Contact information like your name, e-mailaddress and phone number will be deleted within a week after completion of the case. The information that is necessary for completion of the case, like your educational institution, educational program, and the topic of your question are saved in order to create an annual internal report. This report will not be shared outside of the LSVb and will only contain aggregated data so the data cannot be linked back to a single person.

Do you want us to stop gathering your data or would you like to know what data we have of you? Click here for more information.

Housing Hotline

What data do we use here? 

The Housing hotline service uses a two-part questionnaire that consists of questions concerning your housing situation. Part 1 is the service itself. Data from this part is used to properly answer any question you might have. The second part is completely optional and consists of questions used in studies concerning student housing in the Netherlands.

What is the goal of the processing? 

The goal of the housing hotline service is to provide you as a user the ability to asked questions about the student housing in the Netherlands. In order to provide this service, your explicit authorization for data processing is required. We are calling upon GDPR ground for processing a):

  • Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

The second part of the questionnaire allows us to use your data in studies concerning student housing for international students in the Netherlands. This data will only be published in aggregated form so no one will never be able to trace back the data to a specific person upon publication. The unpublished data will only be used to be able to form aggregated results. We are calling upon GDPR ground for processing a):

  • Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

How long do we keep this data? 

The data that is gathered from the first part of the Housing hotline form will be deleted after the question has been answered. If the question remains unanswered the LSVb will delete the data after a maximum of two months unless authorization for the second part has been given. If we are allowed to use your data for study the data will be deleted a half year after publication. We use this term to ensure we can still recalculate our data if need be. The aggregated data used in the publications will be moved to an achieve half a year after publication and will be destroyed after three years.

Do you want us to stop gathering your data or would you like to know what data we have of you? Click here for more information.


What data do we process here?

We only process your e-mail address upon registration. After registration we might ask more personal data of you in questionnaires for the study but these questionnaires will have their own tailored privacy statement.

What is the goal of the processing? 

The goal of the student panel is to provide data for studies in order to improve the Dutch education system, student housing, and/or student well-being. This data will only be published in aggregated form so your data can not be traced back to one person. We need the e-mail address in order to send questionnaires. We are calling upon GDPR ground for processing a):

  • Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

How long do we keep this data? 

Your e-mail address will be in our systems until you unsubscribe. After you have unsubscribed your e-mail address will be deleted within 48 hours after unsubscribing. Data of the questionnaires will be kept up until half a year after publication of the study. The aggregated data used in the publications will be moved to an achieve half a year after publication and will be destroyed after three years.

Do you want us to stop gathering your data or would you like to know what data we have of you? Click here for more information.

Registration form event

What data do we process here?

  • Name
  • E-mail
  • Phone Number

What is the goal of the data processing?

In order to ensure only the people that have registered are allowed entry to our events we ask for your name. This will only be used to check whether or not you are registered. The e-mail and phone number is used to contact you for possible changes in the event (e.g. event time or location). We are calling upon GDPR ground for processing a):

  • Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

How long do we keep the data?

As soon as the event has passed all registered data will be removed within 24 hours.

Do you want us to stop gathering your data or would you like to know what data we have of you? Click here for more information.

Training application Trainingen op Maat (ToM)

What data is processed here?

  • Name contact person
  • Phone number contact person
  • E-mail contact person

What is the goal of the processing?

The collected data from this form is purely meant to facilitate the service. We need the name, phone number and e-mail of the contact person in order to establish who wants the training and to keep in touch with the contact person for the training specifications and possible adaptations. The data is also used to send an invoice for the training. We are calling upon GDPR ground for processing a):

  • Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

How long do we keep the data?

Upon setttlement on the invoice your data will be erased within a 24 hour period. The only data we will still be using are the specifications of the training itself and the evaluation of the training if provided.

Invoice Training at Trainingen op Maat (ToM)

What data is processed here?

  • Name (financial) contact person
  • Phone number (financial) contact person
  • E-mail (financial) contact person

What is the goal of the processing?

The data that is collected through this form is only meant to facilitate the payment and to establish the necessary data for tax procedures. We are calling upon GDPR ground for processing a):

  • Processing is permitted if the data subject has consented to the processing.

How long do we keep the data?

Upon settlement, the invoice data will be included in our sealed off archive. The data will remain their for a maximum period of 3 years. After which the data will be destroyed. The archive data will be checked annually.


Special or sensitive personal data we use.

The Dutch Student Union (LSVb) uses the following special and/or sensitive personal data:

  • Membership of the Student Union
  • Personal data of people under the age of 16.

Membership of the Student Union 

In certain parts of our website we might ask you to fill in whether or not you are a member of the LSVb or one of the member unions of the LSVb. This would entail membership of studentenvakbond AKKU, ASVA Studentenunie, VSSD, Student Aliance Wageningen (SAW), VIDIUS, Leidse Studentenbelangenorganisatie (LSBo), Studenten Overleg Orgaan Zwolle (SOOZ), Haagse Studentenvakbond (HSVb), SRVU, and Groninger Studentenvakbond (GSb).

Data processing of persons below the age of 16. 

Our website and/or services do not intent to collect personal data of visitors under the age of 16 unless they have explicit authorisation of a parent or legal guardian. However, we are unable to check whether or not a visitor is under the age of 16 or not. We recommend parents to be involved in the online activities of their children in order to prevent their personal data to be collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal data of a minor please contact our front office via We will delete the information as soon as possible.

Checking, adapting and/or deleting your personal data

You have the right to see what personal data a company or organisation has of you. You can always request the personal data we (might) have of you. You can also rectify your data or implore us to delete your data. We will have to consent, unless we have a very good reason not to. You can file your request at In order to verify that your request is actually made by you we might ask for a copy of your passport or identity card. With this we ask you to black out your MRZ (machine readable zone, the bar with numbers on the bottom of your passport), your passport number and citizenservicenumber (Dutch Accronym: BSN). The Dutch Student Union will react as soon as possible, but always within four weeks, react to your request.

Data sharing with third parties

The Dutch Student Union does not sell personal data to third parties. We will only provide personal data to third parties if this is necessary for complying with the agreed upon service or to comply with other laws. With the organisations which we might be providing with personal data, we will have a data sharing agreement in place. We will ensure that this agreement ensures that your data will be protected with the same security measures and confidentiality we provide. The Dutch Student Union takes responsibility for this data usage.

Security measures

The Dutch Student Union takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We have implemented fitting measures in order to prevent data abuse, data loss, unauthorized access, unauthorized publication, and unauthorized modification. If you are under the impression that your data is not secure or if you find clues of data abuse, please contact our front office via The Dutch Student Union has taken the following security measures to protect your data: – Security software, like a virusscanner and firewall. – TLS (previously SSL) our data flows via a secure internet connection. You can check this in the addressbar of your browser ‘https’ with the closed lock. – DKIM, SPDF en DMARC are three internet standards which we use to prevent sending out e-mails to you that might contain virusses, spam or are meant to obtain (login)data. -DNSSEC is an extra security measure (in addition to DNS) for the convertion of the name of a domain ( to the the linked IP-address (server name); a digital signature is provided. You can automatically check the signature. This way you can prevent redirection to a false IP-address.


You can always reach us via: 

Name: Dutch Student Union (LSVb)
Bezoekadres: Drieharingstraat 6, 3511 BJ, Utrecht, Netherlands
Postadres: Postbus 1335, 3500 BH, Utrecht, Netherlands
Telefoon: 030 – 231 64 64