The LSVb stands for accessibility in (higher) education due to the emancipating role of education. Due to the fundamental value the LSVb attaches to this role, her primary condition is that all (future) students that want to study should be able to study. That is why there shouldn’t be any obstacles for those who are reasonably able to study or may develop this ability. The LSVb applies the principle that the best way to find out whether an individual is able to study, is to give them the opportunity to actually study.
According to the LSVb, financial reasons should never weigh into the decision (what) to study. Nor should other (indirect) costs play a role. For example, students should be able to travel to and from their education institution and each student should have a reasonable opportunity to live in student housing in a student city of their choice.
In addition, institutions and the government should aim for other obstacles to be reduced to the minimum. This could be done, for example, by actively offering suitable study counselling, proper guidance in the choice of study, and adequate facilities for disabled students. Students cannot enjoy the fruits of the freedom that education provides if they do not have access to education. Additionally, it is of importance that certain minority groups have enough role models to look up to, in order for these groups to also be stimulated to study.
Accessibility to education is also essential for the self-development of students. Students may be stimulated to self-develop, but if they are subsequently not able to do what they aspire, this stimulation serves little to no purpose. Ultimately, accessibility is the basis of essentially becoming a student.
With this in mind, it is also of importance that students prior to their choice of study receive good counselling. Furthermore, this counselling needs to address all aspects of studying, in order for the student to get a clear picture of what studying entails and what is reasonable to expect.
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