HBO Particpation (Dutch: HBO Medezeggenschap)
The HBO Participation (HBOMZ) supports students in participation bodies belonging to universities of applied sciences. Students active in participation partake in dialogues with the Executive Board (Dutch acronym: CvB) tackling issues such as policy, finances and the (quality of) education. For advice, tips or direct support, students can approach the HBO Participation (
LOF (Dutch: Landelijk Overleg van Fracties)
The Foundation National Consultation of Fractions (LOF) is a national network composed of university councils, faculty councils, study programme committees and assessors. LOF aims to provide information, organise training sessions and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas. LOF focuses on reinforcing academic participation. Additionally, the LOF communicates good and bad examples of participation to the Hague (Dutch Parliament) in order to ameliorate rights of students active in participation. The LOF is related to the LSVb and is in close cooperation with the SOM. Students can approach the LOF with questions via their coordinators. For more information look at They can be reached via info@landelijkoverlegfracties.
HEAR – About this
A guideline for the Dutch Higher Education and Research Act (WHW) for students en student participation.
A legal text is hard to read for the inexperienced reader. Nonetheless, both students and teachers get confronted with the Higher Education and Academic Research Act (HEARA). This especially applies to students and teachers active in participation bodies and education committees. But also student associations, student unions or students with an advisory role in an education or faculty board may have an interest in understanding the Act. The HEARA contains the legal basis upon which the Dutch higher education is founded. Among others, the rights of students, the regulations regarding participation and the structure of higher educational institutions are included. Download the fifth edition of the HEARA.
The guide for your educational program committee (Opleidingscommissie).
The role of the educational program committee (EPC) within the educational program is of fundamental importance. Therefore, as of September 1st, 2017, the EPC is a formal participation body with all associated rights and duties. In this book, we aim to cover all matters important to the EPC. As such, we will not only highlight the duties and authorities, but we will also go over tips and examples that may aid in the execution of your work. Download the last edition of the EPC-guide.