Privacy & Cookie Policy

Personal data that we process

The Dutch Student Union processes personal data about you through your usage of our services and/or because you yourself provided us with your personal data. Find below an overview of the personal data that we process:

  • First- and surname
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Address information
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Other personal data that you actively provide by creating a profile on our website, through the phone and correspondence
  • Data about your activities on our website
  • IP address
  • Web browser and type of device

Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process

The Dutch Student Union processes the following special and/or sensitive personal data of you:

  • membership of union
  • personal data belonging to people younger than 16 years old

Personal data belonging to people younger than 16 years old

Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data of the visitors of our website that are younger than 16 years. Unless they have been permitted by their parents or guardians. However, we are not able to check whether a visitor is older than 16 years. Therefore, we advise parents to be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to avoid that information about children is being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal data of a minor without consent, please contact us via, and we will remove said information.

Why we need personal data

The Dutch Student Union processes your personal data for the following ends:

  • Settlement of your payment.
  • Sending our news letter and/or advertisement.
  • In order to call you in case this is necessary for the process of providing our service.
  • In order to inform you on changes in our services and products.
  • In order to deliver goods and services.
  • The Dutch Student Union analyses your behaviour on our website in order to improve our website and to customise the offer of products and services to your preferences.
  • Conducting studies concerning student and education related subjects.

How long we store personal data for

The Dutch Student Union will not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary for realising the ends for which your data was collected. Our storage period(s) are:

A maximum of one year for:
– Personal data of people in the student panel (following deregistration).
– Personal data of research participants (following the conclusion of the research).
– Personal data provided via (following the conclusion of the research).

One to two months for:
– Personal data acquired via contact points (following the termination of the contact point).
– Personal data acquired via phone calls.
– Personal data of people who registered for the newsletter (following deregistration).

Personal data acquired via the research agency pertaining to a certain research of the LSVb will be stored for three years in an encrypted internal archive following the conclusion of the research (after the above-mentioned term). This applies to the information belonging to the student panel, as well as other personal data pertaining to the research. After three years, this data will thus be permanently deleted.

Sharing with others

The Dutch Student Union does not sell your personal data to third parties and will only dispense these if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or in order to meet a legal requirement. We secure data processing agreements with companies that process your personal data on our behalf. We do this in order to secure the same level of security and confidentiality of your personal data. The Dutch Student Union remains responsible for this processing.

Mapping website visits

The Dutch Student Union uses functional, analytical tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is saved in your web browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone with your first visit to our website. The Dutch Student Union uses cookies with a purely technical functionality. These make sure that the website functions properly. For example, they can remember your preferred settings and help us to keep our website functioning adequately. This also allows us to optimise our website. Added to that, we issue cookies that trace your surfing behaviour, which permits us to offer customised content and advertisements. With your first visit to our website, we have already informed you about these cookies and asked for permission for placing these. You may unsubscribe from these cookies by putting your web browser in such a setting that it no longer saves cookies. Added to that, you can also remove all information that has previously been saved via the settings of your web browser.

Access, adjust or remove data

You have the right to access, adjust or remove your personal data. You may send a request for inspection, correction or removal to the  In order to make sure that the request for inspection has been issued by you, we ask you to send a copy of your identification along with your request. We also ask you to darken the MRZ (machine readable zone, which is the series of numbers on the bottom of your passport), passport number and citizen service number. This has to do with the protection of your privacy. The Dutch Student Union will respond to your request as soon as possible, within four weeks.


The Dutch Student Union takes the security of your personal data very seriously and undertakes suitable action to avoid abuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted publication and unwarranted adjustments.   If you still have the idea that your personal data is inadequately secured, or if there are indications of abuse, please reach out to our customer service or send an email to The Dutch Student Union has taken the following steps in order to secure your personal data:

  • Security software, such as a virus scanner and a firewall.
  • TLS (previously SSL). We send your personal data via a secured Internet connection. This is visible in the address bar ‘https’ and the padlock in the address bar.
  • DKIM, SPF and DMARC are three Internet standards that we use in order to prevent you from receiving emails on our behalf that contain viruses, spam or are targeted at acquiring your personal (log in) information.
  • DNSSEC is an extra form of security (additional to DNS) in order to convert a domain name ( to the linked IP address (server name); it is provided with a digital signature. This signature can be checked automatically. This way, we prevent you from being redirected to a false IP address.