After expiration of the redemption phase of either 15 (students within the old framework) or 35 years (students within the new framework), any residual debt will be remitted. This will be done automatically, students do not need to engage in this process. Any overdue monthly payments will not be remitted.
Wildcard years
It is optional to deploy so-called “wildcard years”. The wildcard years allow you to temporarily discontinue the redemption of your student loan in the redemption phase. You can discontinue the redemption of your study loan for a minimum period of 1 month, and a maximum period of 5 years. The interest rate associated with your study loan will not be discontinued. The maximum period of redemption of either 15 or 35 years will be extended by the amount of wildcard months/years you deployed.
Interest rate
The interest rate associated with your study debt may vary. The interest rate that has been decided upon in the academic year the student graduates, will be the fixed rate for a definite period.
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