Registration for studies with a selection procedure

Some study programs have a limited capacity for students. When too many students apply for a bachelor or master program the study will implement a selection procedure. As of the academic year 2017-2018, the national ‘numerus fixus’ is no longer in place. With the abolition of the ‘numerus fixus’, students will no longer be selected by average test scores alone. Since 2016-2017, universities (of applied science) are responsible for the selection procedure and are required to enforce at least two selection criteria, including one non-cognitive criterion such as motivation. By enforcing these criteria academic institutions hope to improve the match between student and study.

Is there an application limit?

The amount of authorised registrations varies per study. The maximum amount of applications is set at three. If a student has already taken part in a selection procedure before 2017, this attempt will be taken into account as well.

Registration for academic year 2017-2018

Students are able to apply for study programs with a selection procedure from October 2017 until January 15 2018. This application process proceeds via ‘Studielink’. Students are strongly advised to keep the deadline of January 15th in mind. On this date the selection process will begin. The results of this process will be announced on April 15th. If a student is selected for the program, the student will need to confirm his or her application within two weeks. If the student fails to confirm in time, another student will be able to take his or her place.

Do you want to know whether or not your study uses a selection procedure?

The following list provides an overview of studies with a selection procedure. We urge students to check this list as soon as possible in order to find out if your preferred study uses the application deadline of January 15. All other study programs have a deadline set on the first of May.