The average rent in Utrecht is €358,82 (2017). This is above the national average. It is difficult to find a room in Utrecht, even for Dutch students. That’s why it is important to start your search early. More information on student housing in Utrecht can be found with VIDIUS.
Housing corporations:
Local websites and organisations:
- ISHA International Student Housing Assistance [EN]
- UU site internationals [NL/EN]
- HU site internationals [EN]
- [NL]
- [NL/EN/DE]
- [NL]
- Stichting tijdelijk wonen [NL]
- Socius [NL, Transformation]
Facebook pages:
- Utrecht Huren [NL]
- Student Housing Utrecht [EN]
- Utrecht Housing [EN]
- Housing Utrecht [EN]
- Utrecht house/room hunt. [EN]
- Student Housing Utrecht [EN]
- Find a room(mate) or house in Utrecht (kamer in Utrecht) [EN]
- Find houses for rent in Utrecht [EN]
- Housing / kamers Utrecht University by [EN]
- Woning Te Huur in Utrecht | Housing for rent in Utrecht [NL/EN]
- Huurwoning / huren in Utrecht [NL]
- Kamer in Utrecht [NL]
Do you think a website or organisation is missing and/or do you have more insights in student housing in Utrecht? Feel free to contact us!