Looking for a place in Enschede? The average rent in Enschede is €284,25 (2017). This is far below the national average.
University housing:
Housing corporations:
Local websites and organisations:
- Student Union UTwente [NL/EN]
- Twentsvast.nl [NL/EN]
- KamerEnschede.com [NL/EN/DE, Also on Facebook]
- Huyzenoord [NL]
Facebook pages:
- Room / housing / Accommodation/ Kamers Enschede [EN]
- Wohnungen in Enschede [DE/EN]
- Apartments in Enschede – Saxion students [EN]
- University of Twente – International [EN]
- University of Twente – Marketplace [EN]
- ESN Twente – Erasmus Student Network in Enschede [EN]
- Sise independent: Saxion International Students Enschede [EN]
- Housing Enschede Students [EN]
- Housing Enschede For Students [EN]
- Huurwoningen in Enschede / Housing in Enschede [NL, woningtarget.nl]
- Kamers in Enschede [NL]
- Kamers, studio’s en appartementen huren in Enschede [NL]
- Huurwoning of kamer huren in Enschede [NL]
- Kamers in Enschede [NL]
Do you think a website or organisation is missing and/or do you have more insights in student housing in Enschede? Feel free to contact us!